Wine is for drinking and enjoying. It’s not for pontificating. Or sticking in a cellar for eight years to turn into vinegar.
However, as is true of many things, the more you understand about wine the more you enjoy.
Yes, my name is Alex and I am a wine geek. In true wine geek form, I drink Riesling and Pinot Noir. I also love good Chardonnay (in all its forms), and for most occasions you can’t go past bubbles.
And I’m really into ‘alternative varieties’. If it’s weird, long and unpronounceable I want to try it.
I also blog about food at Eating Adelaide and teach WSET courses at Wine Academy.Cisco+Nexus+2248TP+GbEx48/10GbEx4+ファブリックエクステンダ(FEX)+Nexusシリーズ用+4ポートアップリンク10GbE+48ポートGbE+【中古】【2017022
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